RMT Insurance Monthly

Can you pay for your PLI RMT insurance monthly?  You pay a gym membership monthly, Netflix monthly, and car insurance monthly. The whole world uses monthly payments!   While now, you can buy your RMT insurance monthly!  At Advantage Insurance, we are listening to what you need to meet your budgets.  You can buy your RMT Insurance online at Advantage Insurance.


Ives Advantage Insurance is the first brokerage in Canada to offer monthly payments for your Professional Liability RMT Insurance (PLI). Advantage Insurance is not new to the RMT insurance world. Your Healthy Broker team of Chris and David Stark are the brokers who created the RMT insurance you now have. For almost 30 years, David Stark has insured RMT’s in Ontario and across Canada. David insured the original OMTA (now the RMTAO) for over 15 years. David Stark actually “wrote the book” on RMT insurance, updating coverage to the new Occurrence Form. Read more about insurance forms here.


Now Chris and David Stark are taking the same great occurrence form Professional Liability (PLI) coverage and offer RMT Insurance monthly. For only $13.86 a month for new grads and $15.84 a month for existing RMT’s, you can get your Professional Liability coverage to protect you as an RMT.  The CMTO only requires $2,000,000 PLI limit and our policy options include $3,000,000 and $5,000,000 limits.  And all our policies come with Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL).


We know it has been tough these past several months. We have been talking to RMT’s all across Ontario. As you have worked to help Canada flatten the curve, money has been tight everywhere.  RMT’s have all been asking for a reduced price or RMT insurance monthly payments. We have listened and come up with both.


Buy a $3,000,000 PLI policy for only $105 a year for a new grad or $125 for an existing RMT. You can also choose to get your $3,000,000 limit PLI RMT insurance monthly for only $13.86 for new grads or $15.84 for existing RMT’s. One RMT advised they are now paying for PLI insurance in the first 15 minutes of a massage each month.  We are always listening to our clients and will continue to come up with new and innovative ideas.


If you insured with a competitor and want to change, the switch is easy.  Just complete the online application and payment options before your insurance renewal date.  Upon completion, your policy and certificate are emailed to you right away. If you choose monthly, first and last month’s payments can be paid for online.  We will contact you to set up monthly payments.  This fall, our new RMT portal will allow you can sign up for automatic renewals. It is quick and easy.  Not happy with your existing broker, contact davids@ivesinsurance.com, and he will be glad to discuss your options.


At Ives Advantage Insurance, your Healthy Broker Team is listening to our RMT clients during these changing times.  You can now pay for your PLI RMT Insurance monthly.  We also have the best annual rates in the marketplace to meet your budget needs.  Make sure you have the price and coverage advantage. Contact your Healthy Broker Team at Ives Advantage Insurance.

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